The goal of the project that I'm working on is to develop a tool to synthesize how it sounds when an aircraft flies over an urban environment. One part of the project deals with the propagation model, which also includes the Doppler shift. Let's have a look now at how we can include the Doppler shift in auralizations.
Doppler shift equation¶
The following equation is likely known to you. $$ f = \frac{c + v_r}{c + v_s} f_0 $$ You put in the emission frequency $f_0$, the speed of sound $c$, and the velocity of respectively receiver and source $v_r$ and $v_s$. What you get out is the Doppler shifted frequency.
In the time-domain the Doppler shift is implicitly included when considering the propagation delay between source and receiver. It takes $d = s/c$ seconds to travel the source-receiver distance $s$ at the speed of sound $c$. When the distance changes over time, the emission is Doppler shifted.
Applying the Doppler shift to a tone¶
As an example we will now apply the Doppler shift to a pure tone. Let's start of with some imports.
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from acoustics import Signal
from IPython.display import Audio
import warnings
As you can see I'm importing the Signal
class from the acoustics package. This package is mainly a collection of tools that could be useful to acousticians, and I started this package because I need many of these tools for my research, and I'm sure others can use it as well. The code base is still a bit messy though, and things do break occasionally.
We start with generating a pure tone.
duration = 10.0
fs = 44100.0
frequency = 5000.0
samples = int(fs*duration)
times = np.arange(samples) / fs
signal = Signal(np.sin(2.0*np.pi*frequency*times), fs=fs)
As I wrote before the Signal
class can be found in the acoustics
package. This class is a subclass of the np.ndarray
and requires besides the array also a sample frequency. The class has some methods for common operations, like calculating different types of spectra and plotting them, as well as calculating other acoustic quantities like the equivalent sound pressure level.
Audio(signal, rate=signal.fs)
fig = signal.spectrogram(ylim=(0.0, 10000.0))
In order to create a Doppler shift we need a moving source or receiver. In this case, let's consider a moving source and a non-moving receiver. The source will move straight over the receiver.
velocity = 70.0
x = times * velocity
x -= x.max()/2.0
y = np.zeros(samples)
z = 100.0 * np.ones(samples)
position_source = np.vstack((x,y,z)).T
position_receiver = np.zeros(3)
distance = np.linalg.norm((position_source - position_receiver), axis=-1)
The exact speed of sound in the atmosphere depends on conditions of the atmosphere, like the temperature, pressure, humidity. Furthermore, the speed of sound can vary spatially and temporally due to e.g. wind or temperature gradients, or turbulence. Let's assume for now a constant speed of sound of 343.0 m/s.
soundspeed = 343.0
The propagation delay from source to receiver is given simply by
delay = distance / soundspeed
Let's have a look at the delay as function of time.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(times, delay)
ax.set_xlabel('$t$ in s')
ax.set_ylabel('delay in s')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f77211c85f8>
Now that we've calculated the delay we need to apply this delay to our signal of interest, which is a matter of shifting the samples. However, since we have a discrete signal, and the delays are not integer multiples of the sample time, an interpolation scheme is needed.
Linear interpolation¶
The easiest and likely fastest method is a linear interpolation.
def interpolation_linear(signal, times, fs):
"""Linear interpolation of `signal` at `times`.
:param signal: Signal.
:param times: Times to sample at.
:param fs: Sample frequency.
k_r = np.arange(0, len(signal), 1) # Create vector of indices
k = k_r - times * fs # Create vector of warped indices
kf = np.floor(k).astype(int) # Floor the warped indices. Convert to integers so we can use them as indices.
R = ( (1.0-k+kf) * signal[kf] + (k-kf) * signal[kf+1] ) * (kf >= 0) #+ 0.0 * (kf<0)
return R
Let's apply the delay and listen.
delayed_linear = Signal( interpolation_linear(signal, delay, signal.fs), signal.fs)
Audio(delayed_linear, rate=delayed_linear.fs)
You can hear the Doppler shift clearly but...there are artifacts! The artifacts are also clearly visible in the spectrogram shown below. The red line shows the Doppler shifted frequency and the other lines that are visible are the artifacts. The artifacts are at least 30 dB less strong than the tone of interest, but we can still clearly hear them since there is no signal besides the tone.
fig = delayed_linear.spectrogram(ylim=(0.0, 10000.0))
In most auralizations I create these artifacts are masked. However, there are ways to reduce them. One way would be to upsample the signal before applying this resampling. Another way would be to consider another interpolation scheme.
Lanczos interpolation¶
Theoretically, the optimal reconstruction filter is a sinc
filter. In practice only approximations of this filter can be used, and these approximations are generally achieved by windowing and truncating the sinc
function. One of these approximations is the Lanczos filter or kernel, which is the sinc
function windowed by another sinc
function. For more information on Lanczos interpolation I can recommend the excellent Wikpedia article on this topic.
The following code shows an implementation of Lanczos interpolation in one dimension. In pure Python this would be too slow so I'm using here the Numba just-in-time compiler.
import numba
import math
def sinc(x):
if x == 0:
return 1.0
return math.sin(x*math.pi) / (x*math.pi)
def _lanczos_window(x, a):
if -a < x and x < a:
return sinc(x) * sinc(x/a)
return 0.0
def _lanczos_resample(signal, samples, output, a):
"""Sample signal at float samples.
for index, x in enumerate(samples):
if x >= 0.0 and x < len(signal):
for i in range(math.floor(x)-a+1, math.floor(x+a)):
if i >= 0 and i < len(signal):
output[index] += signal[i] * _lanczos_window(x-i, a)
return output
def interpolation_lanczos(signal, times, fs, a=10):
"""Lanczos interpolation of `signal` at `times`.
:param signal: Signal.
:param times: Times to sample at.
:param fs: Sample frequency.
:param kernelsize: Size of Lanczos kernel :math:`a`.
samples = -times * fs + np.arange(len(signal))
return _lanczos_resample(signal, samples, np.zeros_like(signal), a)
Let's apply again the delay but now using this filter. Note that I use the default kernelsize, which is quite arbitrary.
delayed_lanczos = Signal(interpolation_lanczos(signal, delay, signal.fs), signal.fs)
Audio(delayed_lanczos, rate=delayed_lanczos.fs)
The artifacts that were present with linear interpolation are mostly gone now, however, when the change in delay is large, other artifacts are audible.
fig = delayed_lanczos.spectrogram(ylim=(0.0, 10000.0))
## Conclusions
The Doppler effect is an interesting physical phenomenon, one that we hear perhaps daily. I've shown how you can synthesize the Doppler shift and considered two interpolation schemes. Which method is preferable depends on your use case. For higher frequencies Lanczos interpolation results in fewer artifacts than linear interpolation. However, computationally Lanczos interpolation is much more demanding:
%timeit interpolation_linear(signal, delay, signal.fs)
%timeit interpolation_lanczos(signal, delay, signal.fs)
10 loops, best of 3: 26.7 ms per loop 1 loops, best of 3: 597 ms per loop