FRidh's blog

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Development of an emission model


SONORUS meeting in Naples

Two weeks ago there was a SONORUS meeting and school in Naples and Sorrento, Italy. The topic of the school was 'Computational Soundscape Analysis'. The next meeting will be in October in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Paper at Euronoise

The timetable for Euronoise 2015 is available. I will present the paper Determining an Empirical Emission Model for the Auralization of Jet Aircraft on Tuesday the second at nine in the morning.


Seems like my presentation is moved to 10:20.

Slides on Zenodo

As posted earlier I've been uploading to Zenodo almost all slides, posters and proceedings that I made during my project. This includes the slides (as well as two auralizations) of the presentation I gave at the 168th ASA meeting in Indianapolis last year.

Auralization: Doppler effect


Research visit to Chalmers

After the ASA meeting in Indianapolis I went to Gothenburg again for a research visit. As I wrote in my previous post it was strange to be there again. Last spring I visited Gothenburg for just a couple of days, but now, staying for seven weeks again is quite different. You start noticing quite a lot of things have changed. Many people I knew there have moved away and I also noticed a couple of restaurants I visited have closed since. Despite those things it was nice meeting old friends again.

So, as I wrote in the title I went there on a research visit. The main reason for my visit was to attend some courses at Chalmers but to also work on my research. Initially the idea was to investigate further the model we're developing to deal with atmospheric turbulence in aircraft auralisations. However, in the end the courses took more time then I expected, so I didn't really get to work on the turbulence model anymore. However, I did manage to implement one nice part of the auralisation tool, namely support for Ambisonics.

Besides Chalmers I also visited SP in Borås. SP was a familar place for me as well since I did an internship there in 2010. Earlier I had made recordings with a SoundField microphone, however, at Empa we do not have an Ambisonics setup. SP has a listening room with a third order Ambisonics system, giving me the possibility to listen to the first order recording as well as to higher order auralisations.

One visit I met up with Peter Lundén who installed the system. After some problem solving we managed to get both the recordings and auralisations working. Unfortunately there was one problem with the auralisations, somehow halfway the aircraft makes a U-turn. While I haven't checked it any further, I think it is due to the inclusion of the Condon-Shortley phase in the function I used to calculate the spherical harmonics.

168th ASA meeting

Several weeks ago I was in Indianapolis for the 168th ASA meeting. The main reason for me to go to this conference was to meet fellow VASTCON members.

The conference was quite a bit different from the one I attended in Krakow. There were spaces available that one could work, including internet connectivity, and the chairs were actually comfortable. Basically every evening there were activities, ranging from a visit to a museum to a Halloween party. While the conference was small there were some interesting special sessions, like the session on hot topics in acoustics and the session on acoustics and education. From the technical sessions I especially liked the session on meta-materials and sonic crystals.

Thursday morning there was a VASTCON meeting and in the afternoon was the VASTCON-organized session on virtual acoustics. During this session I gave a presentation on how to include the effects of turbulence on sound propagation for auralization of aircraft noise.

On Friday me and some others of VASTCON visited the Herrick Labs at Purdue University. There they had a very interesting device they used to measure the noise from a rolling tyre. The device is basically a circularly shaped road with two wheels on arms rotating rapidly moving over the road.

After a (very) short stay in The Netherlands I'm in Gothenburg again at Chalmers. Strange to be there again!